The Ladies and Gentleman 閃亮聖誕派對

俯覽整個信義區夜景,隨著節奏藍調起舞~ 啜飲著香檳... 101映在眼前...
[購票訊息] 12/24耶誕夜 



More than 300 square feet of private club,  it costs an unlimited supply of high-level,  view the entire bowel night, Xinyi District,  with the rhythm and blues dancing, drinking champagne, 101 reflected in the eyes, brought there from Italy, fashion designer runway shows once a year so, what are you waiting for?

[Booking information]

★ activities to maintain quality of the implementation of the activities of the number of controls, limited 200 tickets, while supplies last! 

★ Please note that dress code in this event, please ladies wear evening dress, men must wear formal dress admission, thanks!

